Wounded Knee

One connection between the article and Flight would be there was a lot of gun violence between the 1970s and the 1980s. In the story there was a young boy name Junior and he got shot on his reservation the Nannapush by two FBI agents for not telling the FBI what they wanted to know. In the article there were two white men who got killed in a shoot out between the FBI and the Indians.


Zits is a character that has been through a lot in his life. Personally I think the most important aspect of zits is the fact he has been in so many different foster home. Being in a lot of different fosters homes can alter the way that you look at life and the way you feel about people that is what happened to Zits. All of the trauma he has endured from being place to place and family to family is what makes Zits have the personality he has.

I think that Zits does not fit what a normal teen is, Zits has his own way of learning how to live his life. He doesn’t like listening to adults or taking advice from them.


Should we have to change it fit the world around us? In my personal opinion I would strongly say no, you should not have to change yourself for the things around you. There has been people who have wanted to look different and spend thousands of dollars so that they can looks like a magazine model but it is not necessary. Everyone looks different for a reason, if we all were to look the same then the world would be boring. I once read “One face is the face of a thousand people falling in love”.


What it means to be a teenager, it means having responsibility you didn’t have when you were a child. It means your parents will let you have the freedom you did not have when your were a child. Being a teenager and feeling lonely is a normal thing.

Loneliness feeling is something that can just happen or if you have something going on with your life or with the world around you.

Why People Write

People write so they can get their feelings down, and so that other people are able to know what they are thinking. Some different reasoning that people write is that they don’t know how to talk to people or they just have a creative mind and want other people to read the cool idea’s they have. When they don’t have a person they trust or if they don’t just have some where to vent they might turn to writing to bring them a little bit of peace. Somebody might just be writing down everyone is saying because they don’t understand what they are saying.

People have different purposes for writing. People use it as an escape, or when they have something exciting that has happened or is about to happen they want to write it about it. When people are building something they need to be writing things down if need be, or if you are in class and you have to do a short response for something in your class. Every goal is different for people it just depends on what they are writing about, like some people might have a goal to be New York’s best selling author. Some people’s goals might just be about have to write and just get it done to be done with it.