The. Words. We. Keep.

I found this book interesting and emotional due to its subject matter. It portrays the inner thoughts of a young girl who is going away to college without her parents. The book contains a good message as it explains how different characters approach the situation. Among them, Alice’s younger sister Lily stands out for me because she tries to protect her sister’s identity from being completely ruined by hiding it from everyone in town for as long as possible.

The author conveys the idea that we often choose to keep certain thoughts and words to ourselves to avoid hurting others’ feelings or causing offense. However, the author also suggests that in doing so, we may be harming ourselves by internalizing negative self-talk and damaging beliefs. Despite this, the author seems to have left out a crucial piece of information, and I find myself wondering what that might be. It feels like there’s a missing key detail in the story that would help tie everything together.

3 thoughts on “The. Words. We. Keep.

  1. I really like your layout of your post. It flows nicely and is well organized. This book sounds interesting and maybe even to the fact of looking into it. I like how your colors of this blog post don’t overload it and it keeps it nice and clam.

  2. I like how you describe and explain the theme, it sounds like a really interesting book that I would want to read. I also like how you didn’t ignore the flaws the story had. What is the missing information that you feel is missing from the book that is keeping it from tying all together?

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