
I personally think that most people are too dependent on technology. I hear kids saying that they would not know what they would do without their phones but it’s a pretty easy thing to figure out. You can go outside or have a face-to-face conversation with your parents and friends. I like to have face-to-face conversations with people because I can get the whole story straight and if I have any questions about it I can just ask and I won’t have to wait for a response. It is also nice because you can see people’s reactions about the things you tell them whether it is funny or a serious matter. But there are benefits to technology like online shopping, Being able to call your parents if you are not with them, directions, and a lot of other things. Technology can also be a scary thing because your information can get hacked and stolen or you could use it for searching things that should be searched. I don’t know if there is a limit to too far with technology anymore because they have come out with some pretty crazy things like self-driving cars, and headphones that Bluetooth to your phone.

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