Of Mice and Men

Statement #2: A true friend will tell you the truth, even when you don’t want to hear it 10

I agree with this statement because if you have one true friend, you will never have to worry about doing something wrong, and you guys aren’t friends anymore. Still, the biggest thing is that if they are a true friend they will tell you what you are doing wrong so you can fix it because they want to see you succeed. A friend who tells you when you are doing something wrong and tries and helps you will always be a better friend than the one who is always trying to get you in trouble.

Statement #10: Life today is more difficult than it was in the 1930s 1

I disagreed with this statement because in the 1930’s the people had a lot more to worry about. Most of the people did not have beds to sleep on, or they didn’t have food to eat. Today we don’t have to worry about having no food because we have the abilities and resources that we can go out and find our own food and we have government help to afford food or things like that. In the 1930’s people were still trying to just get the right for women to vote.

Hysteria in Limetown

Lia is a resident of Limetown who exhibits symptoms of hysteria. She became confused when Max’s wife suggested that Lia’s uncle was responsible for everyone’s presence in Limetown. Additionally, Lia was surprised and bewildered upon discovering a pin in her college memorabilia boxes.

Lia is concerned that people are being killed after she speaks to them, and she wants to investigate the cause of the deaths in Limetown. However, this is causing her a lot of stress, as she is afraid of more deaths occurring. Her increased stress levels and caution are both factors that can contribute to hysteria.

“How did it lead to the panic? Hysteria led to panic as everyone was upset that they didn’t have the implant yet, causing a lot of stress. This issue started causing problems at home as one adult would have the implant while the other didn’t, leading to separation between the couple. Deride explained that after Max had the implant for so long, she started feeling like she was going to lose him because they could not communicate the way they used to, which caused a lot of hysteria.”

The. Words. We. Keep.

I found this book interesting and emotional due to its subject matter. It portrays the inner thoughts of a young girl who is going away to college without her parents. The book contains a good message as it explains how different characters approach the situation. Among them, Alice’s younger sister Lily stands out for me because she tries to protect her sister’s identity from being completely ruined by hiding it from everyone in town for as long as possible.

The author conveys the idea that we often choose to keep certain thoughts and words to ourselves to avoid hurting others’ feelings or causing offense. However, the author also suggests that in doing so, we may be harming ourselves by internalizing negative self-talk and damaging beliefs. Despite this, the author seems to have left out a crucial piece of information, and I find myself wondering what that might be. It feels like there’s a missing key detail in the story that would help tie everything together.

Ugly Love

By: Veda Ballard

This book shows a lot of being afraid to love someone because of something that has happened to you in the past. This book Ugly Love shows this by Miles not being able to love or to care for somebody the way he did for Racheal. His body wants to love someone or just to be loved by someone but his mind would let it happen because he has too much trauma from the past. He is afraid to love someone the way he loved Racheal and for his world to come crumbling down around him. 

The story Ugly Love is about a young boy who fell in love with a girl when she moved to his school, their names are Racheal and Miles. Miles’s mother passed away about a year ago from cancer and it has been hard on him and his father. He found out that his father had been seeing another woman the whole time and was leaving to go on “work trips” to see her. A few months later she moved to the same state as Miles and his father. Miles got the opportunity to walk Racheal (the new girl) to class and they fell in love with each other. Later on, they found out that their parents were together, which was why Racheal had moved here. Two weeks later Miles’s father asks him to meet Lisa his girlfriend and he agrees so she comes over for dinner and that is when Miles and Rachael find out about their parents. They were upset that their parents were together but that did not stop them. They hid their relationship for a while till they found out that Racheal was pregnant and they hid till they couldn’t hide it anymore. Their parents were very upset with them but they got over it with time. When it came time for Rachael to have the baby she did and their parents were very proud of them in the end. It came down to the time when Miles and Rachael were sent home from the hospital they were getting ready to leave and they left on the ride home there was a car coming down their lane and crashed into them and pushed them into the water. Miles tried saying Rachael and the baby but he could only save Rachael, after that Rachael fell out of love with Miles and wanted nothing to do with him. 


I personally think that most people are too dependent on technology. I hear kids saying that they would not know what they would do without their phones but it’s a pretty easy thing to figure out. You can go outside or have a face-to-face conversation with your parents and friends. I like to have face-to-face conversations with people because I can get the whole story straight and if I have any questions about it I can just ask and I won’t have to wait for a response. It is also nice because you can see people’s reactions about the things you tell them whether it is funny or a serious matter. But there are benefits to technology like online shopping, Being able to call your parents if you are not with them, directions, and a lot of other things. Technology can also be a scary thing because your information can get hacked and stolen or you could use it for searching things that should be searched. I don’t know if there is a limit to too far with technology anymore because they have come out with some pretty crazy things like self-driving cars, and headphones that Bluetooth to your phone.

Writers Notebook Entry

This chapter says that fathers do not want to put the trauma from their parents onto their kids because they don’t think they can be a generation change. Fathers are afraid that they will not be as good a parent to the children as a mother could be.

I think Zit’s father had this memory to show Zits that he didn’t just adbonded him, well I mean he did but he had is reasonings for it and wanted Zits to know that. Zits father had a lot of trauma from his father when he was a child so that plays a big role in how Zits father is going to father him. Some things that echoed through Zits life was that he didnt have a mother or a father.

Challenging or Banned Books

I have read some books that personally should be banned because they go too in-depth into some of the scenes. Some books should have to be because of the sexual context within the book or they should just be read by adults and not be in a school library. Then there is another group of kids who like that kind of reading and are more advanced at readying who might not be happy that they took out some books.

This book does have some racism to it but it’s not enough for the book to be banned or challenged it doesn’t go into depth about them killing black people as they are Native Americans. Flight has a lot of relation to teens today because Zits has a lot of emotions, and and figuring out life just like us teens today. Teens today also have a lot of emotions and they display it in a tone of different ways. The book Flight might be controversial because of how in-depth it goes into the Native American culture, and some of the language is cruel. This book does have some racism to it but it’s not enough for the book to be banned or challenged it doesn’t go into depth about them killing black people as they are Native Americans.

Theme Chapters 9-12


I choose loneliness because Zits has had a lot of sadness in his past and he has always wanted his life to be different.
In chapter 9 I have this quote that says “Did they deserve to die because of my loneliness”. I believe Zits said this because he shot and killed white people that he didn’t think deserved to die.
In chapter 10 I have a quote that says “ “I’m scared that Gus might reclaim his body and drown me in his blood”. Zits has not been able to fully control what Gus is thinking or doing like all of the other bodies he was placed into.
Chapter 11 quotes state “Did they deserve to die because of my loneliness”, zits says this because he has had a lot of bad in his life, but at the time there was a bunch of white soldiers who wanted him to kill Native American women and children.

Book Censorship

I think the book series 50 Shades of Gray should not be allowed to be read by immature teens or younger children because it has provenance and it has sexual actions within the context that more immature children should not read. Adult books are books that teens read as well which is not a problem just adult books have more graphics in the context. A book that I have read is a book called ” Girl In Pieces” By Kathleen Glasgow this book is about a young girl who has been struggling with depression her whole life and has not mentioned it to her parents. She cuts herself and hurts herself in more ways. But personally, I think that a younger child should not read that type of book because the child does not even know what that means. So they might be interested in what the book means after they are done reading the book.

Similarities and Differences

Veda Ballard – Zits TIQA Paragraphs (compare and contrast)


Foster Care

“The commonly occurring moves from place to place are difficult enough for children,”

Discarded Trash Bags Capture the Struggle of Foster Children in Sobering PSA

Some foster kids travel with trash bags, they can’t have a lot of clothing or other items.  

Research has shown that the simple routine of being forced to transport worldly belongings in a trash bag can have far-reaching implications for foster youth, from their development, interpersonal relationships, and even future success in life” The foster kids think that a trash bag symbolizes who they are, or they ask themselves if their life has any value to it. A foster child may only have five minutes to gather all of their belongings and leave.  When a child is moving they are set back about 6 months academically and developmentally.




Zits has always been different since he has had a hard life. He doesn’t know who his dad is and his mom passed away when he was 6 years old so he hasn’t had anyone to teach him about being true to himself. Teens now how social media to tell them how to live their lives. Every teen who has social media changes every day, what they see on social media is what is changing their lives.

Even Teens Worry That Teens Are Addicted to Their Phones | WIRED



Teen Depression and Anxiety: Why the Kids Are Not Alright

Adolescents today have a reputation for being more fragile, less resilient, and more overwhelmed than their parents were when they were growing up. Sometimes they’re called spoiled or coddled or helicopter. But a closer look paints a far more heartbreaking portrait of why young people are suffering.


Foster Care

What are the benefits of foster care for children?

Children who have been in the foster care system but have found forever foster parents are very lucky because they have more education opportunities, and for finding a life beyond childhood. As a foster child, you get free benefits for health and meal benefits. Foster care is not perfect, you can get trauma from moving around from house to house. Not having a stable place to come home to every day is a lot for a young adult, they have to worry about if the doors are unlocked or they have to wonder who is at their house when they get home.



Personality Theory and Research

Personality ranges from analyses of genetic codes and studies of biological systems to the study of sexual, social, ethnic, and cultural bases of thought, feelings, and behavior. Personality research includes studies of cognitive abilities, interpersonal styles, and emotional reactivity.

Fake People vs. Genuine People: 20 Differences You Should Know

Fake people are envious and bitter about your success. They rejoice when you succeed because they support you to get success in the first place. On the other hand, fake people feel defeated when you achieve success or when they see you doing good for yourself. They envy you, feel bitterness in their hearts, and want to pull you down to discredit your success. Fake people do not want you to be happy or successful in life, they want to see you fail at everything you do.



How Teens Today Are Different from Past Generations

Teens are spending less time with their friends in person. At the same time, online content creates unrealistic expectations (about happiness, body image, and more) and Opportunities for feeling left out—which scientists now know has similar effects as physical pain. This makes sense developmentally since the onset of puberty triggers a cascade of changes in the brain that make teens more emotional and more sensitive to their social world.